Welcome to Summer at The Stillpoint

Well, I think it’s summer – though I can’t complain about cooler weather and the tanks are enjoying the rain – as are the weeds!
But Christmas is nearly upon us and another year full of changes and challenges is almost behind us.
To everyone who had a challenging year – I hope that 2011 brings more joy than tears, more abundance than stress and more peace for the planet.
May we all find it easier to live in love, rather than anger, in trust rather than worry, in gratitude rather than need, fulfilling our life’s purpose diligently and with compassion for all beings in our hearts and in our actions.

Christmas Tidings
Holiday Season Hours
The Stillpoint will be closing on Friday December 24th & re-opening on Wednesday January 5th for Steph & Friday January 7th for Katie.
Phone Katie on 0400 722 786 to book appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays & some Saturdays
or Steph on 0447 196 984 to book appointments on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

Gift Vouchers
Give the gift of time & relaxation this Christmas.
Gift vouchers are available from both myself & Steph.
Call us to discuss details and arrange purchase.

Gorgeous Gifts from The Stillpoint
I will be holding a Christmas gift Street stall in the Community Kiosk ( next to the Community Centre in town) on Sunday December 12th, from 8am till 2pm.
A great opportunity to buy gift vouchers as well as my beautiful crystal jewellery, new Mala beads ( for meditation and chanting of mantras), Feng Shui remedies, crystals and some beautiful birds nest ferns potted up by my Mum.

What’s New
I have been a busy little bee, re-desiging the website yet again, including a new logo. It expresses the space I am in at present and the new directions I am exploring.
I would love to hear your feedback !

Gary Sellars is leaving The Stillpoint.
His last clinic will be Monday 20th of December. I have enjoyed Gary’s treatments enormously & we wish him well as he moves onto a new career path.

Reiki Dates
Reiki Shares – a wonderful opportunity to come and both give and receive Reiki.
Maleny: Tuesday December 7th – 6pm at The Stillpoint
Brisbane: Saturday December 4th – 1.30pm at The Gap
Maleny: Tuesday January 11th – 6pm at The Stillpoint

Reiki Workshops
Level 1 (Shoden)
Become attuned to the Reiki energy and learn techniques for self-healing and healing family & friends. Workbook & CD provided. Investment: $150.
Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th February 2011
or Saturday & Sunday 12th & 13th March 2011

Level 2 (Okuden)
Develop your Reiki healing further with symbols & mantras to facilitate mental/emotional healing and distant healing over time & space. Workbook & CD provided. Investment: $300
Saturday & Sunday 2nd & 3rd April 2011

Level 3 (Shinpiden)
Develop Reiki further as part of your spiritual journey.
These workshops are offered when the student is ready. Please contact me to discuss dates when you are called to do Shinpiden.

New Strings to my Bow
Aromatherapy Update
I recently attended an Aromatherapy seminar by Robert Tisserand, one of the Grand Masters of Aromatherapy.
He has just spent 10 years doing a literature review of the current research on the uses of essential oils – evaluating the research findings for his new book.
Some highlights were:

Peppermint oil (in a gastro-protected capsule) showed a 75% improvement in Irritable Bowel symptoms over a 4 week trial. Mintec brand peppermint oil capsules are available in Australia.
Peppermint & Caraway oil (in enteric coated capsules) showed a 65% improvement in Dyspepsia symptoms over a 4 week trial.
Lavender oil (taken orally in capsule form) was as effective as Lorazepam in reducing anxiety symptoms and inproving sleep, over a 6 week trial.
(NB: Lavender oil is not available for oral ingestion in Australia & you should not change medications without discussing it with your health care provider).
Lavender oil ( inhalation) reduced serum cortisol (a stress hormone) significantly after 30 minutes inhalation & reduced the need for post-operative pain relief by 56%.
A number of essential oils used individually or in synergy have demonstrated effectiveness in killing antibiotic- resistant bacteria or in restoring sensitivity to antibiotics in some bacteria.
An Australian orthopedic surgeon has developed an essential oil blend ( Polytoxinol) that he has used successfully to treat MRSA osteomyelitis – a severe bone infection.
A nasal inhalation of Perillyl Alcohol ( derived from Perilla essential oil) has shown to increase survival rates of people with some types of brain tumours.
Aromatherapy massage was found not to be any more relaxing than massage with plain oil, however it improved immune function significantly.

In summary, the evidence for & understanding of essential oils is powering ahead & the potential uses for these natural products is growing.
Please call me if you would like to discuss these results further or how an essential oil blend could be taylored to meet your particular needs.

Mindulness Massage for People living with cancer or serious illness.
I have just completed the first level of training in Oncology Massage and hope to complete the second level next year.
What I have studied so far gives me the skills to provide a safe, nurturing and deeply relaxing massage for anyone living with cancer or undergoing treatment.
The massage style is very gentle, and deeply relaxing and can also be of benefit to anyone needing deep relaxation.
Please call me if you would like more information.

Sukhaba Bode Feng Shui
Christmas Special
Book a Feng Shui consultation for your home before January 31st & receive a complementary Wu Lou Gourd in addition to the introductory price of $200. This includes a Qi map of your home, recommendations to optimise the good Qi and minimise the negative Qi, as well as the Annual report for 2011.
Call me on 0400 722 786 to book.

Annual Reports
The annual Qi stars fly on February 4th 2011 at the start of the Chinese New Year. Update your current Feng Shui report with the influences these annual stars bring to your home.
Mention this newsletter for a 30% discount when you order.

Sound It Out Literacy Tutoring

Would you like to improve your / your child’s reading & spelling over the holidays?
I am offering tutoring intensives in January using a Phonics-based approach that can improve sound and letter knowledge, reading, spelling and writing.
Call me for more details.