Emmett Technique at The Stillpoint

emmett logoWhat is Emmett Technique?

The Emmett Technique is a unique body therapy technique created by Ross Emmett (www.rossemmett.com.au). It offers an alternative treatment to ease pain and discomfort and may benefit many other conditions.

The treatment can be done fully clothed and incorporates a gentle physical release of muscle groups whilst using a verbal approach to create attitude change.

How Does it Work?

The technique involves the application of light pressure at particular points and in sequences that enables the gentle physical release of muscle groups.

remedial massage at The StillpointWhat Can it Assist ?

Some of the symptoms which have been relieved include:

  • Neck and shoulder discomfort
  • Difficulty turning head from side to side
  • Headaches and sinus discomfort
  • Back and hip discomfort
  • Knee and ankle restrictions
  • Incontinence & Impotence
  • Difficulty raising arms
  • Aids forearm and grip strength
  • Improves body symmetry and balance
  • Increases stability
  • Improves lung capacity and body flexibility.

What Stillpoint Clients are Saying about Emmett

“I feel much more stable since the treatment, and my other treatments (chiropractic and acupuncture) seem to be holding better.”

“My niggly back pain, that used to improve for a few days after a regular massage, has been gone now for weeks.”

“My husband can STILL raise his arms to his ears (two days after a brief demonstration)  – its a miracle!”